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Vajravarahi 20 cm vollfeuervergoldet Buddha Statue

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Vajravarahi 20 cm vollfeuervergoldet Buddha Statue

sku: bf-77-20v

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

Lieferzeit: 2 Werktage

Nur 1 verbleibend

1.398,00 €
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Für Details zum Produkt "Vajravarahi 20 cm vollfeuervergoldet Buddha Statue" scrollen Sie bitte nach unten.


Tibetische Buddhastatue - Dorje Pagmo - Vajravarahi Statue aus Bronze vollfeuervergoldet und handbemalt 20 cm hoch.
Vahravarahi (Tib. Dorje Pagmo), is considered as a form of Vajra Yogini/Dakini. She is associated with Chakrasambhava. She is red in colour and stands in satyalidha attitude on a reclining body of Bhairaba in dancing posture. She is one faced and three eyed, dishevelled hair is marked with six auspious symbols and is nude. She holds a Kartri in her right hand on level of head and holds a kapala filled with blood in her left. She carries a khattvanga staff surmounted by three skulls. She wears a garland of fifty severed heads and various gold ornaments. She has a small pig´s head above her right ear this hence her name Vajravarahi. She is the essence of the five kinds knowledge, and is the embodiment of the Sahaj pleasure.

Filme zur Herstellung von Buddhastatuen


Farben Golden
Form Stehend
Material Bronze voll-feuervergoldet
Herstellung Feuervergoldung
Größe 20 cm